Wednesday, November 03, 2021

WOYWW #648

 Another Wednesday, time for a peek at each other's desks and projects! If you would like to learn more, just go to Maybe you could join our little group!

Getting colder! A very chilly 0°C this morning. Brrrrrr. I don't like the cold, so I am wearing layers already! 

Here is my desk this morning:

I am currently working on 2 junk journals, one I started a couple of months ago, un-themed, and one I'm starting for my Marjie Kemper group, which I think will be called "Childhood". So busy on two fronts! While one is drying, I work on the other one. You can just see the first one in the first picture, sitting in the basket on the left.

We had Halloween on Sunday, pandemic rules are gone, we had lots of (hopefully covid free) kids on our porch - 32 to be exact. Many of them commented on the decorations (not many people decorate for Halloween around here) and I had spooky Halloween noises playing as well. It looks lame in the light, but spookier at night!

           you can't see the bat netting in this photo, but it's there!

And I carved the pumpkin this year!

Today's kitty photo - here they are both together in my favourite spot, my warm bed watching TV. They both wanted scratches at the same time! Usually they take turns lying on my chest.

That's it for today! We hope you all have a wonderful week, stay safe, and stay creative! inky and Mittsy say "meow!"


Empire of the Cat said...

Oh I love your pumpkin Linda, it looks terrific! How nice that you decorated for Halloween, I wish I had now. The messy part of your desk looks just like the off-camera part of mine today lol. Love the photo of you and the cats, we are actually in a similar position right now, there's a heated mat at the bottom of the bed for them and they refuse to leave it lol. Thanks for your visit, the leafy ribbon is by May Arts, a US brand, so you might be able to find some in a craft store. Happy WOYWW! Elle #21 this week

Diana Taylor said...

Your desk looks very interesting - I was particularly drawn to the mottled brown paper - lovely effect. I love the Halloween decorations - they look very spooky and the pumpkin is fab. Love the kitty picture - they look very comfy!
Have a great week,
Diana xx #9

Lunch Lady Jan said...

The pic of you and the cats snuggled up made me smile, I don’t know who is happiest there! Well done on the Halloween decorating, I bet the kids loved it!
Hugs LLJ 5 xx

Helen said...

you all look very cosy there! great halloween decorations and pumpkins. Glad the kids enjoyed it - 32! that's good going. have a great week Helen #3

Shoshi said...

A lovely, busy, messy desk this week, Linda! You sound busy. Like you, I'm not keen on the cold either (or the heat, for that matter) - it's suddenly got much colder here but my hubby says it will warm up again in a couple of days so I'm holding off putting on the heating, and we're relying on individual heaters in separate rooms for now.

Thank you for your lovely comment - glad you liked my cards this week. My favourite of the blue and white ones was the same one that you chose - great minds etc!

I think our kitties have always snuggled up together because they are sisters and have always been together, even in the womb, so it comes naturally to them. Non-siblings usually don't do it, which is sad, because it's so comforting to see them like that! They are doing it all the time now the weather's got cold. Till a couple of minutes ago they were both curled up together on my hubby's chair on the kitty throw until suddenly, for no apparent reason they had a spat and Lily swore at Ruby and jumped off! She's now on my legs.

I loved the photo of your two in bed with you! Our kitties certainly lead the life of luxury, don't they. Trouble is, they do tend to take it for granted a bit.

Thank you for your good wishes for my hubby. He had a colonoscopy 5 years ago when his diverticular disease was diagnosed, so he knows the ropes. He's now got his appointment for 26th Nov. with a telephone appointment this weekend which will presumably be some sort of pre-assessment discussion. They just want to check on the progression of the disease and make sure nothing else is going on, but when he was first diagnosed I made a point of asking whether it was a risk factor for cancer (as my ulcerative colitis was) and the nurse reassured us that it was not. He's doing very well on the diet so I'm sure they'll say he's OK.

Happy WOYWW and keep warm!
Shoshi x #18

Sylvia/LittleTreasures said...

Such a group of awesome photo's We live in the country so have Zero visitors. When I lived in town I too decorated my porch (which I miss so much) and had about 30/40 kids...they now do the "IN THE TRUNK" on main street and have warm goodies in the community center for anyone stopping by. Great idea doing 2 and having one to work in while glue dries....I've two many projects going on and never enough time. Have a great week stay warm

Felix the Crafty Cat said...

Hi Linda, that is a brilliant pumpkin you carved. I think that must be one of the best ever. We used to have children visiting us on Halloween but I think the locals have grown past that now so it was a quiet evening. Wishing you a very happy and creative woyww, hugs Angela x17x

Sarah Brennan said...

Such a great pumpkin Linda. No trick or treaters here, but we don't decorate so less likely to receive visitors anyway. Have fun with the new journals. Meow to the kitties. Stay safe and Happy WOYWW. Sarah #4

Spyder said...

Yes! I love that Pumpkin too! He looks so mean and spooky!! Lovely pussycats. Jinx always demands a cratchy chin! Keep safe! Happy WOYWW ((Lyn))#24

Crafting With Jack said...

Fabulous wicked grin on your pumpkin. We were unexpectedly away for Halloween, so there are lots of sweets to eat up! I am busy doing journals too, although I haven’t done the covers yet I am on my third. Take care Angela #14

Caro said...

Love the busy desk and the pumpkin is fabulous! Such a lovely picture of you with inky and mittsy as well. Happy Belated WOYWW. Take care and stay safe. With love & God bless, Caro xxx (#16)

Julia Dunnit said...

32 children trick or treating, that must have been fun. Didn’t see anyone, I think the covid numbers are still on a runaway here, especially amongst the young, so very little happened. Your pumpkin is ace, I find them a real difficulty to carve! Yep, I all about the layers too, and trying to remind myself not to get so bogged down that I sit around without moving for too long, that always makes me realise how cold I’ve got. Your desk is a delight, I’m such a one job at a time girl that this just wouldn’t be possible for me, I love that you’ve weighed down one journal to dry and just turned to the next, talk about using up all your ideas…something that doesn’t happen at every session, huh!