Wednesday, May 24, 2017

WOYWW #416

Another Wednesday, time to peek at each others desks and projects! If you want to know what WOYWW is, just go to  and all will be revealed!

Congratulations to Julia and her awesome idea of 8 years ago! I've been posting since August 1, 2012, but I wasn't numbering them then, so I don't know which one it was! But 6 of those 8 years, anyway! We have such a wonderful group, and I feel like I have so many friends all over the world!

Here is my desk this morning - be prepared for a shock! (compare this to last week's picture here)

  I was down to a 4"x4" working space, so I thought it was "time"! Took much less time to do as I thought it would! But now I can't find my mouse pad. . .

Here are my index cards this week for my 100 Days Project:

and my garden! My crab apple tree is blooming, my favourite flowering bush (I don't know what it is) and most of the perennials I planted last year have popped back up!

and a message from Inky:

One last thing, I would like to extend my condolences to anyone who has been affected personally by the Manchester indecent, I know we have all been affected to some measure. Peace be with you all.


Plush Possum Studio said...

Your man riding the bird is very whimsical. Happy 8th to you too! I also like that motto you've used: "inspiration is everywhere." I do believe that to be true.
Rose of Rose's Art Garden #50

Annie said...

Happy 8 years anniversary. We really are part of a wonderful group aren't we? Here's to many more years.
Annie x #16

shazsilverwolf said...

Hi Linda, gorgeous flowering plants in your garden. Love those index cards, the colours are so zingy. I have the stamp used on the green/yellow one, it's one of my favourites. Have a lovely week, Love& Hugs, Shaz #7 XxX

Bubbles said...

"Wowza" indeed! What a lovely open space you've cleared compared to before lol.
I love the artwork - especially the feather one and the green "Inspiration Is Everywhere" ones :)
Have a Wonderful Wednesday!
Bubbles #36

Monica said...

Inky i gorgeous. In June i plan on doing the index card a day. You garden is gorgeous. Have a great day
Monica # 41

Lynnecrafts said...

I love your steampunky man & bird! Inky is very cute. My Dino and Thea say hi! 😸😻. Your blossom is doing well, too. Happy WOYWW 8 and have a great week! Hugs, Lynne #20

Lunch Lady Jan said...

I do love your labelled desk - it makes me laugh a lot! The twirly useful thing especially :-D. I think we'd get on well if we met in real life, lol! The bush in your garden is showing off a bit, don't you think? It's gorgeous and it knows it! I miss perennials in my new garden, we have a lot of work to do because at the moment it's acres of chippings and invasive bamboo. We'll get there one day....
Thanks for the support and great comment seach week :-)
Hugs, LLJ 9 xxx

Helen said...

What a great desk! love the blossoms in your garden, too. Happy WOYWW Helen #2

Anne said...

Hi there, and to Inky :-) I am getting to the stage of a very tiny work space :-) Wanted to say Happy 8th WOYWW Anniversary. Anne x #24

Stacy Sheldon said...

Oooh such pretty colors going on in your garden :) ~Stacy #42

Shoshi said...

I love the picture at the top of this blog post, Lindart. Really quirky and fun! And always lovely to see Inky and what she's up to! Your beautiful blossom trees - and what a pretty veranda too. It's a colourful post all round, with your fabulous pages, and a very organised desk. Thank you for your lovely comment last week, and I'm sorry to be so long replying but after an extremely busy week, I crashed with complete exhaustion and had to rest for 2 days, and now I'm trying to catch up with everything again. Unfortunately we had to have Phoebe put to sleep yesterday and we are missing her greatly, and Beatrice is looking for her in the garden all the time. It's a sad time.

My hubby had a nice birthday and we celebrated it a day early at the County Show. Celebrations today too for our wedding anniversary but sad because of Phoebe. Fortunately my cold was relatively short lived and I'm fine again now, thanks!

Happy WOYWW,
Shoshi #47

Felix the Crafty Cat said...

Hi Lin. Of all the days to choose my friends came round and we've been out most of the day so I am trying to catch-up with the visits before bed. Many thanks for the visit to mine. Loving your kitty. Happy woyww anniversary, Angela x17x

Robyn said...

I guess 4x4 is pushing it!
Happy 8th!
Robyn 13

Kim said...

Happy 8th Anniversary!Yes...4 x 4 is too small for a card front, so it was definitely time! LOL! I think your desk looks ready to go! Have a great week.
-K #39/40

Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

Thank you for visiting earlier. Had to laugh, because I am NEVER inky. This is so unusual for me.

I loved looking at your desk. Yes, I enlarged it so I could see everything. I like how so many things are close at hand.

I am in awe of the Index Cards. You have given me some ideas for later this year when I join Daisy Yellow's summer ICADs. I doubt I'll be stamping much, though. Your cards are gorgeous and colorful.

Sorry I'm late visiting. I had a commitment today, so had to be away from the computer. Happy 8th Anniversary from # 1.

lisa said...

Happy 8th Anniversary, it's been lovely getting to know you during our weekly desk visits and I love seeing your garden. Crab apple blossom is just gorgeous isn't it. Ours hasn't lasted long this year as it's been so dry and warm.
Have a great week and a big hello to Inky too.
Hugs Lisax #26

BJ said...

Pretty pretty index cards, love the dragonfly on the pink.
Thanks for the visit and Happy 8th WOYWW Anniversary BJ#19

Sue said...

Hi Linda, Glad you were able to make the space bigger.

Looks like Inky was getting spruced up for something. Maybe there is a new female in the neighbourhood:)

Thank you for stopping by my blog.

Sue #21

glitterandglue said...

Hi Linda. Happy 8th WOYWW anniversary - you've done well to be a part of this mad, crazy, lovely group of friends around the globe for 6 years. Congratulations. I like you index cards - will you use them as index cards, or just keep them to look at? I didn't see the words "red paint pot" to begin with - I thought it was tomato soup for your lunch - oops!
Take care. God bless.
Margaret #5

Dorlene Durham said...

I'm enjoying my short time with WOYWW with all the regulars and peeps into craft areas. Glad you got your desk cleared off for more projects. The index cards are awesome! Thanks for visiting me earlier. Dorlene #49

sandra de said...

Happy 8th woyww and what a lovely tree of blossoms. i can see why it would be a favourite. Loving the index cards and I think I spot a glimmer of gold just perfect.
sandra de @28

Neet said...

Even though I don't know anyone in the bombing it is a bit too close for comfort and is so sad. When I look at the faces of the young people and the young mothers it is heartbreaking. They are all missing this gorgeous sunshine which is a rarity up north. A silly thought but one which I have in my head.
Love your card at the top of the page. Brilliant! Certainly raised a smile.
Lovely index cards, lots of ideas for me to bounce off when I get around to doing some more.
Thanks for sharing your blossoms with us, always nice to see someones garden.
Thanks for visiting me and Happy 8th Anniversary - Hugs, Neet xx

Unknown said...

Happy belated 8th WOYWW Anniversary! (I'm still visiting desks!)
Your index cards are so cool!
Beautiful crab apple tree! I remember getting sick on eating too many not-quite-ripe ones as a youngster! Are yours fruit bearing?
And Inky does look a bit preoccupied but content.
Thanks for the visit and have a great weekend!
Carol N now #37

Shoshi said...

Thank you for your return visit, Lindart, and for your sweet words about Phoebe - I said to my hubby the other day that Phoebe is probably gamboling about with Chloe now! Poor little Beatrice really is pining for her, though, and going in Phoebe's favourite sleeping place in the garden, perhaps in the hope that she will come back to claim it. Lots of love and reassurance is in order to comfort our remaining girlie. I am so glad you liked the cards I made and I loved hearing about your anniversary stamp with the French and English on it - very romantic! One day I would love to visit Canada!

Happy belated WOYWW,
Shoshi #47

Sarah Brennan said...

Love the art work you've created for the anniversary. Glad you managed to get straight and hope that your mouse mat turns up. Your garden looks lovely. The rain has just started coming down here! Happy belated WOYWW Sarah #27

Diana Taylor said...

Your index cards are fab - I love the bright vibrant colours, the mosaic stamp is one of my favourites. Thanks so much for your visit to my desk, Happy WOYWW anniversary, I'm sorry I'm so late getting round, sometimes I just feel I'm running to stand still!
Diana x #21

Andrea said...

belated Woyyww anniversary wishes I away last week now on catch up. another fabulous set of index cards this week, you are quite remarkable coming up with great ideas each Week I love the bright colours you use pink dragonfly is my favourite this week as I love a bit of sparkle bling and loving the shiny wings. your desk is always organised chaos and well done for clearing up some workspace looks awesome it.stunning flowers on your tree thanks for sharing it with us all crafty hugs Andrea #48

Marit said...

I didn't have acces to a computer last couple of days so I'm very, VERY late visiting desks and celebrating the 8th anniversary... anyway, here I am and WOWZAH... there's an empty space on your desk! You decluttered you say? Good job girl! Now I hope you had fun last week and that empty space is already full with nice projects again ;) Thanks for visiting my blog last week, it's so nice to be part of this lovely group of crafters. Hooray, hooray and on to another year of 'desking' and crafting! Hug from Holland, Marit #29