Wednesday, January 04, 2017

WOYWW #396

Another Wednesday, time to peek at each others desks and projects! If you want to know what WOYWW is, just go to  and all will be revealed!

The week after New Years and all is calm and bright. . .the snow is gone, the rain is here - our annual January thaw (although there wasn't much to thaw this year!), Inky is outside watching the squirrels - life is good!

Here is my desk this morning:

 Hardly room to move! The border stamps at the top were for my journal page (not finished yet), there are Dollar Store wipes (great for cleaning stamps!), scissors, ink, tape, and other things. I decided for my 2017 project (who doesn't need one of those!) I would UNMOUNT all my stamps, and along with my already unmounted stamps, keep them in binders.

My first binder - "A"

I already have ALL my stamps organized both by groups and alphabetically, so I thought I would do this all in order, so AFRICA was first on the list. I don't have a ton of Africa stamps, and the ones I do have were mostly already unmounted stamps, so that was good for this first page experiment. I am sewing my own stamp enclosures to the size of the stamps. This first page is filled both front and back.  I'm not sure of the binders yet, I saw zippered binders at Staples, but they were $10 each, and I would need a LOT. I thought they would be good to keep stray stamps from falling out, especially when transporting. Although, I could get just one to use when I AM transporting pages of stamps. Oh well, it's all a process!

My crafty Christmas and Birthday (Jan 1) presents this year:

 Stencils and stamps (from Hubby and DD)! Also my Mom got a me 4 new colors of Distress inks, the matching sprays and re-inkers and 2 matching distress ink pens! 

One last thing, my DD went to Las Vegas last year, and got me this awesome cup - so my 2017 motto is: Let the Good Times Roll!!

 Have a wonderful 2017, a year of new beginnings, new hopes and dreams, and an abundance of love and happiness!

Thanks for visiting, and now I'm off to see yours!

PS: My new website is now live! find it here:



Annie said...

I had a good chuckle at your comment today....I'm sure all those remotes are needed and I'm also sure I could add more pockets to a cushion lol lol.
Here's to lots of fun link ups in 2017.
Annie x #17
ps good luck with sorting those stamps.

Kathyk said...

Great post and well done with the decision to unmount all those stamps - best of luck too



shazsilverwolf said...

Hi Linda, I too have almost all my stamps unmounted, and have been buying banknote/trading card pockets to store them in. I use 3 ring binders, and the stamps stay put just fine. It's only been some stamps I had a problem with, hence starting to use the sleeves. Have a great week, Hugs, Shaz #3 xx

glitterandglue said...

Happy New Year, Linda. Sounds like you have made an amazingly busy start to the year... long may it continue, as you un-mount your stamps and get them all sorted. Well done.
Take care. God bless.
Margaret #4

okienurse said...

I started removing all my stamps from blocks several years ago but still haven't got them finished because I keep buying used ones on eBay or where ever and haven't taken them off blocks. I have done them two ways...I bought the box binders and pages from Crafters Companion
and the second way was cutting plastic coated sheets to fit into 3 ring binder page protectors that I buy at Staples or wherever. I am a stamp and paper ho and love to accumulate the things so if you run across a good storage let me know! Thanks for stopping by my desk! Happy New Year! Vickie #12 btw...where do you live in Canada?

Anne said...

Hi there and thanks for popping by. Glad you enjoyed your Christmas dinner :-) I really need to find a better way to organise my stamps but I don't have the energy at the moment. Happy New Year Anne x #20

Tertia said...

When you finished sorting your stamps, just hop on a plane and come and do mine, won't you?
Happy WOYWW!
Tertia #8

Unknown said...

I still have a few wood mounted stamps but they are very special and I just can't bring myself to unmount them. And I'm seeing quite a few of us WOYWWers are reorganizing! Must be a first of the year thing. Thanks for the visit and I'll be in Vegas next week!
Carol N #31

Christine said...

Thanks for your visit earlier, I am SO looking forward to having all the decorating finished.
Brill idea stitching all the compartments for your stamps, I hope to sort my stamps when I have the house sorted .. don't watch this space!!
Have a good week
Christine #19

Elizabeth said...

Hi Linda, those border stamps are lovely. It sounds like you've taken on a mammoth project for 2017. I have mine sorted in a fashion but I think I need a better method too. Love the cup and the motto. Have a great week. Elizabeth x #21

Monica said...

Thanks for the visit.
Your stamps are great and I love your work. you are very efficient and I do like how you have the stamps. so now the holidays are over you have to start on the new stamps and other goodies and show us all.
Happy 2017 Monica #34

Julia Dunnit said...

Happy New Year, what a lovely post! I'm horrified by your un mounting project, but totally get why. As for classifying them all...want about the ones that could go in to more than one category...ohemgee it makes my teeth itch! Love those did well for crafty Christmas gifts.

Fiona@Staring at the Sea said...

That's quite an undertaking. Good luck! Love the house and townscape stencils. Thanks for stopping by earlier.

Fiona #24

SumBunneh said...

What an ambitious project... and I thought sorting out my ribbons was (well it is... but... it will happen eventually)

Happy New Year
Erika #27

Felix the Crafty Cat said...

Your project plan sounds like a great idea but I am not even going to think about doing something like that, I'm just too lazy to complete it Lol! but it's a brilliant idea. I've finished the TH cat card so will post it next week for all to see. Thanks for the visit to mine, Happy New Year woyww, Angela x 18

Nikki said...

Sounds like a big project for 2017 I'm not sure how many stamps you have but have fun I store mine in binders too on acetate with the opposite side showing the stamped images. Works well for me one thing I did realize was to store them upside down so the opening is facing me when I'm crafting that way they are easy to get out :)
Happy New Year
hugs Nikki

Princess Judy Palmer said...

Such a big project to unmount all the mounted stamps. Will put them on cling cushion or paint the back with that resticking glue? I'm sure you'll have everything wonderfully off its wood and put away in no time. Just think, you have all those nice new toys to spur you on to get it done. Thanks for the visit earlier today. PJ #33

Shoshi said...

Wow Lindart, you are organised! Lovely collection of stamps. And gorgeous new stamps and stencils too. Thank you for your visit and your nice comment and I'm glad you enjoyed seeing a little of our area - the houses there certainly are unusual! Also I'm glad you like my little album. I am not starting any new projects until I make serious inroads into my UFOs (UnFinished Objects)! Let's see how long that particular new year resolution lasts...

Happy WOYWW,
Shoshi #23

Angie said...

No way, no how, nuh uh! I have a lot of stamps on blocks and on blocks they shall stay. I've tried to just remove a few and what a process. I applaud your tenacity! Love all the goodies you got! Thanks for visiting!
Angie #39

April said...

Happy New Year and love your mug!
April #37

Kim said...

Happy New Year!
Good luck with your project! I just can't pull the trigger; and then you sew your pockets??!! You go Girl! Thanks for visiting. Have a great week.
-K #45

Arnoldo L. Romero, MLA said...

I love organizing my art materials too, because I feel it regenerates me creatively - good luck with your cool stamp binder system! You got some great Christmas gifts, so your loved ones obviously know you well. Happy New Year!

Helen said...

your project sounds like it could take a while... like Julia I am horrified at the thought (I LOVE my wood mounted stamps, despite the space they take up!) but horses for courses as they say.. good luck!! Helen #2

BJ said...

WOW the BIG stamp sort is underway here too (as at other desks as I don't really do stamping!! LOL) Thanks for the visit - Happy WOYWW and Happy New Year BJ#12

Zsuzsa Karoly-Smith said...

Lovely pressies - I especially like the Tim Holtz set "Reflections" - I've looked it up and put it on my wish list. As if I haven't got enough background stamps already! Happy 2017! Thanks for visiting earlier! zsuzsa #24

Neet said...

"Let the Good Times Roll" - sounds good to me!
Lovely gifts and what a wonderful Mom you have with such a thoughtful gift. Given me ideas for giving certainly.
I notice the Africa stamps - Non Sequitur as it was way back. I used to love those stamps so much, still will when I get them out. I do admire you doing the sewing on hour packets, never thought of that. Might just have to get my stencil binder out.
I am a tad late but I was out shopping when you posted and too tired after to get the computer out so it is now morning here and I am playing catch up..
Happy New Year - Hugs, Neet 5 xx

Shaz in Oz.CalligraphyCards said...

Oh loving your new goodies Linda, amd rather like your idea of sewing the page inserts to the size of a stamp clever work. Big decision on folders maybe you can find some cheaper... 😊
Thanks for sharing your inspiration,
Shaz in Oz.x #9

{Calligraphy Cards - Shaz in Oz}

Lunch Lady Jan said...

Happy Belated Birthday Linda!! I hope you had a good day - those stencils are fantastic, what a great prezzy. The houses ones are my favourites, I bet you'll use those loads!
Not very much crafting for me on the horizon as I learned today that we'll be moving to our new house on the 23/24th Jan, so packing will be the most important thing!
Hugs, LLJ 15 xxx

Annie Claxton said...

It seems like a few of us are reorganising our stamps and stuff - I sorted mine into folders, last week, and I think I might actually use them now!! I love those stencils you got for your birthday, the little houses all crowded together look amazing, have fun with them :o) Annie C #32

Creative Cardiology said...

Hi Linda,thanks for stopping by my blog.
A belated Happy Birthday to you. It looks like you got some fun gifts!
Lucky for me most of my stamps are unmounted because I don't think I could fact that task LOL
Here is the link for a video on the Christmas card.