I missed last week, but here I am today. If you are wondering what WOYWW means, just pop on over here, and all will be revealed! I've been so busy with work, I haven't really been able to spend much time here, but I did get my Mother's Day card made in time! I don't have a picture of the card - just the mess!
I had pulled out a bunch of ATCs, thinking I might find one for her card. I ended up using one from last week, but I did find this gem:
an ATC I made a few years ago!
I went "garage sailing" last weekend, and I found these!
Perfect for all my eyes, snaps and brads! They wanted 10$ for them (the wife wanted 10$ each!) and I got them for $4.00 for both! It certainly pays to haggle!
Ta ta for now, lovely Peeps! Hopefully will have something more to show you next week!
I had pulled out a bunch of ATCs, thinking I might find one for her card. I ended up using one from last week, but I did find this gem:
an ATC I made a few years ago!
I went "garage sailing" last weekend, and I found these!
Perfect for all my eyes, snaps and brads! They wanted 10$ for them (the wife wanted 10$ each!) and I got them for $4.00 for both! It certainly pays to haggle!
Ta ta for now, lovely Peeps! Hopefully will have something more to show you next week!
lovely storage
what a fab bargains you cant beat a great haggle and you did very well.... isn't it fab when you come across something you made a a while back...some make you smile not always for positive reasons i've made some scary cards in the past !..lol... thanks for vsisting and I do wishI could leave my desk like yours ..it looks so creative mines is just boring and clinical ! I suppose thAts what makes us unique have great week andrea #11
I am loving the storage you got at the garage sale.
Ooops!!! I should have said thanks for stopping by my blog. Sue 51
Clever storage solution. Thanks for your kind comments today.
Fiona #41
What a great garage sale find. I don't think I go to the right garage sales. :-) April #75
What a brilliant bargain - and Johnny looks pretty good, too!! have a great week, Chris # 23 xx
Garage sale prices have gone through the roof. It seems people want as much as they originally paid when they sell things. You made a good find and got a good deal after haggling.
That was one hunk of an ATC. Do I remember that swap from years ago?
Thanks for the earlier visit. I'm having some computer issues, so I apologize for being so late visiting this week. Happy very belated WOYWW from #1.
Great bargains - well done for getting a deal
Famfa 61
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