Friday, July 08, 2011

Day 8-GYAO

Today was just as lovely as yesterday, except that I had errands and gym this afternoon, so not so much relaxing time. I went to buy some of the colors I didn't have, only to find out that yes, I DID have one of the colors! Hopefully they will both get well used!

But I did get some work done on my canvases from yesterday:

  I added a darker color on the edges, then texture and stamps

 Then added teal.

This is what each one looks like so far - the teal didn't show up well in these individual ones

 Now, these are "finished", BUT they are only the backgrounds for further projects in the book! I will be continuing, this is a lot of fun so far!


Helen Campbell said...

I love the colors and texture you have going on the canvases. I just checked Art at the Speed of Life out from the library, and am loving it so far! It's one I'm going to have to acquire for myself.

I can't wait to see your final canvas projects.

Therese said...

Your canvases look great!!
Where are you putting them when they are finished??

Til later,


Anonymous said...

Lindart, I love the layers. I love backgrounds, such as your 3 pieces, when each layer can be appreciated. Beautiful