Wednesday, May 29, 2024

WOYWW #782

 Another Wednesday, time for a peek at each other's desks and projects! 

Here is my desk this morning, not a lot different from last week, as I haven't been able to do anything all week! 

I think the only thing different is the box of tools that I needed to change a battery in a little fan. But I have been busy, we went to Toronto to stay with my DD and celebrate her birthday and my Granddaughter's 3rd birthday! It was a dinosaur party held at a park, the day was sunny and beautiful, and I spent the day painting little faces to look like dinos (and a couple of butterflies, a zebra, a bunny, a blue ghost and a demon)!

It was a fun day for all, and a very tiring one too! I will get back to my art room this week, I am almost done with my 100 day challenge! 

I had some questions about the foxes and the cats - the foxes are curious, but find out very quickly that the cats are not something to be tangled with! We usually hear the fox scream in terror when the cats confront them! 

The size of my little journal is 

4 1/4" x3", and I think I have 2 pages left to do, but then I will start another one!

I hope everyone has a wonderful week, next time it will be June already! Why does spring and summer go so fast and winter so slow? The kitties say meow as well!


Helen said...

I cannot believe she is 3 already... glad you had a fun if tiring day. Happy WOYWW Helen #2

Annie said...

What a lovely pic...they grow up too quickly.
Annie x # 7

Lunch Lady Jan said...

Good grief, I can’t believe that Jasper is three! That time has shot by….. it looks like you had some wonderful family time, the best thing ever 😊
Hugs LLJ 5 xxx

Crafting With Jack said...

Glad you had a wonderful, if tiring day. People say “They grow so quickly “ and it so true, all the more noticeable if you don’t see them for a while! Happy WOYWW. Angela #11

Felix the Crafty Cat said...

So pleased you had a good time, what a pleasure to watch your Grandaughter growing into such a little beauty. Your desk will be ready and waiting when you're ready to get back to it. Wishing you a very happy and creative woyww, Angela x10x

Spyder said...

I used to do face painting, dressed as a looks I got, when driving in my little red van! great memories though! glad you had a wonderful time!! Happy WOYWW!?((Lyn))#14

BJ said...

Cool that you can do face painting, I've been asked but declined as I'd want to stick paper, lace, and all manner of stuff on and use acrylic paint LOL Not sure multimedia face painting is a thing yet...Looks like a great time was had by all, plenty of time to craft on other days. Hugs BJ#6

Susan Renshaw said...

Sounds like it was a lovely Birthday party! My little grandson loves dinosaurs too... Happy WOYWW! Susan #4

Mary Anne said...

Awww. Kids birthday parties are so much fun! I prefer them to adult ones if I'm honest. The joy on their faces at the simple things, it's just so lovely to see. Emailed you to verify your address for the Tribe ATC so do let me know if it is correct. I just need to be sure as I only have like two left!

Happy WOYWW!
Mary Anne (1)

Neet said...

I think time goes faster as you get older.
The party sounds absolutely great. I love the idea of you doing the face painting. No wonder you are shattered. At the caravan so internet variable which means I am so late.
Hugs, Neet 3 xx

Spyder said...

I have been honest! I remember dinosaurs as I think I mentioned that my Grandson loves them too. I also think I said I used to do face painting, dressed as a clown... Very strange memories from those days!! The party sounded great fun. Typing from somewhere else this weekend, and so far internet is okay! Yay! Happy Late woyww ((Lyn))#14