Wednesday, May 22, 2024

WOWW #781 The Start of a new Era!

 Another Wednesday, time for a peek at each other's desks and projects! We have a new hostess to keep our little group going (Thank you Sarah!). We will miss Queen Julia as our fearless leader, but long live Queen Sarah!

Today is a beautiful sunny Spring day. We have a family of foxes living on the corner, who love to come and play in our yard in the mornings! Here is Mama and one of the kits going across the street to my neighbors house (another favourite playground!)

Here is my desk this morning:

You can see a journal on my desk. Have you every heard of the "Wreck This Journal" journal? I've had it for awhile, and the name put me off - I don't want to "wreck" anything! They talk about being a kind of "rebel" and to do things you wouldn't normally do in a journal, such as "wreck" it. That is so against my nature, but I wanted to give it a try on my terms, so I changed the name to "Enhance Your Journal", which I thought was quite a "rebel" thing to do! At some point I will show some of the pages.

Here is what I've been working on this week in my new Tiny Journal:

Well, that's it for me this week, I leave you with a couple more fox pics...they are just too cute!

This one is my favourite! Have a wonderful week, and meows to the kitty cousins across the pond from Inky and Mittsy!


Helen said...

i bought a Wreck my Journal years ago but never really did anything in it... wonder where it went... we have lots of foxes here, I haven't seen any very young ones, though there are bound to be some. There are are Kew though, someone puts videos on Facebook. Enjoy your journal. Happy WOYWW Helen #1

Diana Taylor said...

Fabulous pages, I love them all - the orange bird is gorgeous, I love his expression. I have heard of wreck my journal, but like you I don't think I could - it's not in my nature and I don't see the point of doing it purely for the sake of it - I think your new title of Enhance your Journal is soooo much better and definitely more enticing as a challenge!
Hope you have a great week,
Diana xx #8

Sarah Brennan said...

Wonderful journal pages as ever Linda. Not sure I would be too keen on Wreck a Journal either but look forward to seeing your take on it. Meow to the kitties. The foxes are very bold. Thanks for linking up at the new home of WOYWW. Stay safe and Happy WOYWW. Sarah

Twiglet said...

The little fox cubs are wonderful - how lucky you are to see them close up. Each of you little journal pages is a work of art- so many clever techniques. I am always in awe of you clever paper crafting artists. x x Jo

Lunch Lady Jan said...

I love the foxy ears in the last pic!! That made me smile a lot, how wonderful to be able to view them so often. Love your journal pages too, the crescent moon is my favourite.
Hugs LLJ 4 xx

Felix the Crafty Cat said...

Hi Linda, sounds like you've had better weather today than how it's been here. We've had rain! The foxes are just like the ones we have here they just like to go walkabout. Love your journal pages. I'm a bit late getting round today as I got the message this morning that my mum died early this morning but it's a relief for her as she's not been doing too well for some time, she was 95. Wishing you a very happy and creative woyww, Angela x13x

Crafting With Jack said...

Oh wow! How wonderful to see the foxes regularly. Great journal pages. It hasn’t stopped raining here all day! The forecast for tomorrow is rain! Am sure the sun will appear at some stagešŸ¤£. Happy WOYWW. Angela #11

BJ said...

Oh I've got a Wreck This Journal somewhere, in fact I saw it only the other day but now I forget, oh my! Love what you've renamed yours, now I'm going to have to find mine and join you...Adore your tiny journal pages, I think it is a toss up between Universe and calm/noble as my favs this week. Glad you like the PDF, looking forward to seeing some of my bits on your pages. Yay. Hugs BJ#3

Neet said...

Your pages are fabulous - and in miniature too. What size is this little journal of yours? I love to see miniature things and once sent for a kit to make a miniature journal. It was about 1" high. Now what on earth happened to it.
Fox family - interesting. Are you not frightened they might get the cats?
Hugs, Neet 2 xx