Wednesday, November 24, 2021

WOYWW #651

 Another Wednesday, time for a peek at each other's desks and projects! If you would like to learn more, just go to Maybe you could join our little group! 

First of all, apologies to all who commented last week, I have read them all, but haven't had a chance to reply, I will try to get to all you first this week.

 It has been quite the challenging week, but now we have heat, yay! My new computer is wonderful, but it was quite frustrating, as I'm sure many of you know, transferring everything over. And getting to know how to use new things. I was told that Picassa wasn't available anymore, I love Picassa because it's SO easy, and it was recommended that I get Gimp. Ugh, it's like photoshop, and  very complicated. I'm sure if I took the time I could work it out, but I couldn't even figure out how to load an image for a long while, I can finally do that. But I got very frustrated and thought "really? I can't get Picassa? 

So I googled it, there it is, even a download for Widows11...of course my first thought was is it a scam? If they ask me for my CC I'm not doing it, but they didn't and it seems fine, just like my old Picassa! It could be that it's available, but just not supported anymore. My needs are very simple, so I am happy! I am still trying to figure out how to get my photos, and where they are seems sometimes I get to the right spot and sometimes all my folders are empty...big learning curve! Anyway, today will be short and sweet, here is my desk, a long view today for something different, taken yesterday:

You can see my blue art journal there, I'm not quite finished with that page, so I will show it next week.

My Flip through Video is here:  

I took Susan's great advice and posted it on Instagram, so hopefully you can get it with the link. Someday I will figure out how to post a video on blogger.

Here is Mittsy "hiding" from Inky who is on the other side of the chair. I watched for quite awhile - not even a twitch of her tail! They are now inside more than outside, a bit miffed at the cold weather!

That's all for today! Inky, Mittsy and I hope you all have a wonderful week! "Meow!"


Elizabeth said...

Hi Linda, you've just reminded me that I used Picassa, a couple of PCs ago, and liked it too. Your desk looks sooooo interesting - I'd love a couple hours nosing through your stuff. Love too the pic of Mittsy 'hiding' from Inky. Our kitten, her name is Silver, hides from me under the bed but she forgets that her tail is still sticking out! Have a lovely week. Elizabeth x #6

Helen said...

one of my friends said something about missing Picassa the other day, must remember to tell her it's still around... Other than the hassle of setting it up, I am glad you're getting sorted on your new computer. I hope your mum enjoys the book - I prefer them to the tv version, although it's not been a bad representation of the story. have a good week Helen #3

Zsuzsa Karoly-Smith said...

Lucky you could still get Picasa - I used to use it until Google photos came along - I didn't know it was still around! Love your journal video - looks like you might be talking but there's no sound? I had that happen too when I posted from my tablet. Mitsy looks cute hiding under the bed. Oreo still spends lots of time outside despite the cold. I think he just likes to stare at mouse holes and ignores me when I call him in LOL. Happy WOYWW! xx zsuzsa #20

Crafting With Jack said...

I use Photoshop Elements, I would hate to have to try something else.. your journal is lovely. Happy WOYWW Angela #11

Sylvia/LittleTreasures said...

Thanks for the visit. We just got home I had to renew my driver's license, he won a pizza to pick up, and we went to the casino, about 30 miles away, special points day We both came home about $300 ahead, SO a Happy trip No restrictions for glasses for me WHEW...left eye isn't good but could see all the flashes and 100% on all lines for right eye . I totally get what you are saying in your photos. I find so many of mine go to ONE DRIVE and I look and look as the folders names are messed up. I refused Microsoft EDGE and I don't want to update to Windows 11, but I'm having a SLOW DOWN 1 minutes waits here and there so It's not fun for us older people !!! Have a great week, looks like weather will be 50's to visit our son/family 3+hrs away.

StampinCarol said...

I have to agree about PhotoShop not being super user friendly.
My computer is too old for Windows 11 but since it still works....
Pretty busy desk!
Have a great week!
Carol N #21

Felix the Crafty Cat said...

I'm well impressed with how you've managed with the new computer, I would be lost without Picasa, I know it's simple but it works for me and it's easy to use too. Hugs for the kitties. Happy belated woyww, Angela x14x

Julia Dunnit said...

It’s not just your pussy cats who are miffed at the cold weather I don’t mind admitting! I love the changes from season to season but really don’t like the cold! Great long view of your desk, and am very happy to read that you have heating back. You don’t realise how quickly a house can get so cold till your heating goes out. Happy Thanksgiving, I hope you have a lovely long weekend.

Spyder said...

I know I still have Picassa working on my old computer, and I have seen it suddenly working on this new one (Christmas/ Birthday Pressy from Hubby last year.) but how and where it suddenly came from I still don't know. Although thinking...maybe it was put on a memory stick and that's how it popped up one day, so...if you could get picassa from your old computer and save it to a memory stick you should be able to use it from that. Of course someone with more brains than me could probaly tell you an easier and better way! I'm now going to check out my memory sticks! I have soooooooooooooo much useful stuff in Picassa and it was so easy to use! Happy Late WOYWW Stay safe!((Lyn)) #16

Sarah Brennan said...

Glad you managed to get Picassa working on the new laptop Linda. Love the long view of your desk for a change. Meow to Inky and Mittsy. Stay safe and Happy WOYWW. Sarah #17

Lunch Lady Jan said...

I share your Picasso pain except in my case it is Corel Printhouse, a fantastic graphics program I’ve used for years. G has helped it limp along after Windows updates, I’d really miss it as I hate Publisher! It’s brisk here too today so my cat isn’t even looking outside!
Hugs LLJ 12 xx

My name is Cindy said...

Lovely little journal there Linda, and I love you got a photo of yourself in there! I'm like you, hate it when programs I like disappear - I don't have the brain to get to grips with new stuff these days and I still only want to do a few basic things - why does everything get so complicated? I'm finding it hard to even use instagram after a break of about a year and like you say - it never seems to look the same twice!! Personally I think everything anticipates too much and evolves around what you do. I just want the button in the same plac every time I open it. The massage was wonderful - I will be back again weekly until I get this shoulder sorted I think!! Happy belated WOYWW, stay well, stay safe, Cindyxx #whatevre it was

Christine said...

Blast from the past there.... Picassasuch a great Easy program. Thanks for the happy memory.
Christine #04