Wednesday, July 03, 2024

WOYWW #787

  It's What's on Your Workdesk Wednesday, time for a peek at each other's desks and projects! We are now sharing through Sarah, at Sarah's Craft Shed!

It's July already! We are finally into the summer weather! The cats love basking in the sun on the porch, the yard is alive with birds, squirrels, foxes, and even a wild turkey!!

My Granddaughter Jasper was finally introduced to Grandma's Magic Room this weekend...

and I haven't been able to get back to it. But Jasper had a great time! She made 3 ATCs, one for herself and her Mom and Dad from the ATCs that I cut up from my masterboard last week:

And she stamped and coloured her own little paper doll! For the ATCs she chose the words, stamped a 3 on hers, added some marks, and the flowers and design piece on her Dad's. She was so proud!

So the weekend was spent with Jasper and her Mom, no time for Grandma to get into her own Magic Room!

4 generations!

She's just too cute!

They left on the 30th, and we had Canada Day on July 1st. We have a tradition of going to lunch and people watching that day, which we did!

Our Town Crier saying hello!

I hope you are all enjoying summer wherever you are (or winter!), Have a wonderful week! Hopefully I will have more of my own art to show then!


Sarah Brennan said...

You can never get them started too early Linda. How fabulous to see Jasper following in her grandma's arty footsteps. A lovely photo of the four generations. Happy belated Canada Day and meow to the kitties. Stay safe and Happy WOYWW. Sarah

Annie said...

How lovely to be enjoying crafty time with a little one...magical memories. It might be July but sadly it's cold here....hopefully summer will return soon.
Annie x #3

Crafting With Jack said...

How lovely to be crafting with your granddaughter. I loved crafting with mine. Have a great week. Happy WOYWW. Angela #10

Helen said...

oh wow, what a little cutie she is in grandma's magic room! she did so well. Happy WOYWW Helen #2 (if I could find a reliable way to keep the champagne fizzy I'd open it! I might have to take it to work!! )

Felix the Crafty Cat said...

We appear at the moment to have finished our summer, the sun has gone in and the clouds have come out but it sounds as though yours has just begun. It must be a real pleasure to be able to craft with little Jasper. I sem to have confused everyone with the cards on my blog this week so I'm doing a quick tutorial of how I made them for next week. Wishing you a very happy woyww. Hugs Angela x11x

Lunch Lady Jan said...

Well, what beautiful photos of the next generation of Deskers!! Jasper did a great job of the ATCs and the colouring of the lady. Great pics of the whole family too. It may be the first time that a wild turkey has appeared on WOYWW too, lol!
Hugs LLJ 6 xx

Lisa-Jane Johnson said...

Her little face!! Rightly proud of herself, as is her GM. She'll be demanding all your supplies next, just you wait! Have a great week, Lisa-Jane #8

Mary Anne said...

Nothin like crafting with kids. The joy on their faces and how proud they are of every accomplishment. Oh I wish we never lost that. 4 generations! Great photo and how lucky you are to all be close enough to get that. I love the name Magic Room too :D. Did you see my reply to your comment and the link to the printables in white (plus others?)
Late AGAIN - the day got away from me
Mary Anne (3)

Lynnecrafts said...

Jasper’s brilliant so cute and crafty! I love her ATCs and paper doll. Lovely photos of you all.
Have a good week
Lynnecrafts 5 xx

BJ said...

Oh my word where does the time go? Fully intended to reply Wednesday, then Yesterday now it's Friday already!!!
Jasper's ATCs are so precious and her little doll is amazing. The photo of the 4 generations is even more precious, how cool is that! It's turned wintery here in the UK but I'm loving it LOL - can't be doing with the hot weather at all. My hand has settled down loads, feeling "normal" again horrah.
Hugs BJ#13

Kyla said...

ooh how lovely to be able to share your craft room with the family, and Jasper looks like she had a fabulous time. Happy late WOYWW