Wednesday, July 24, 2024

WOYWW #790

 It's What's on Your Workdesk Wednesday, time for a peek at each other's desks and projects! We are now sharing through Sarah, at Sarah's Craft Shed!

Hello all! I missed last week, unforeseen circumstances and all...but I'm back now! Here is my desk this morning:

I've been working in my Art Journal this week. I hadn't touched it since April! I think it's because I don't like the colour palette. I did two pages, then I had a dream that said "well, change it if you don't like it!' And it showed me what to do. So the next day I did what my dream told me to do:

The pocket is holding a lovely Mother's Day card from my DD, from last year, that she kept forgetting to mail! I'm glad she finally got it to me because it was worth the wait!

So now, moving on, I have given myself permission to do whatever I want, whatever colour I want, and change things as I want. I am going off to my yearly visit to Niagara Falls with my good friend Cairine, next week. We always have a wonderful time. I bought myself a new mini-printer so I can add photos to my journal.

Last week I worked in my Tiny Journal:

This one uses just the Van Gogh Washi Tape I bought a while back!

Stencils by Megan Quinlan

That's it for my art adventures, but here's Inky...what is she looking at?

Why, it's the turkey come back to say hello! Inky was not happy and chased her across the road, and later that afternoon when the turkey came back again, little teeny Inky chased that giant bird all the way around the house! She's very territorial..

Have a wonderful week, the kitties say meow to all their kitty cousins!


Felix the Crafty Cat said...

A Mini Printer! that sounds brilliant, can't wait to see how you get on with it. Hope last week's missing visit wasn't anything serious that stopped you being here. It goes without saying that I hope you have a great time at Niagra Falls. Take care and have a good woyww whatever you decide to do. Hugs Angela x11X

Annie said...

I love your pages and I with you that some colours are easier to create with….just go with your heart and enjoy what you’re doing.
Annie x #7

Helen said...

Great pages, and well done for embracing the colours you want to use!! Enjoy your trip to the Falls and hope we get to see photos too! See you soon. helen #1

Lunch Lady Jan said...

We are funny in what we think we have to be doing, it’s so much easier to follow your own wishes. I look forward to seeing all your colours in the future! Have an amazing time with your friend, hope we see some pics 🥰
Hugs LLJ 3 xx

Crafting With Jack said...

All great pages, the last one I love! Was it a wide was hit tape? It makes a great background and I love how you have put the children. Happy WOYWW. Angela #12

Crafting With Jack said...

All great pages, the last one I love! Was it a wide washi tape? It makes a great background and I love how you have put the children. Happy WOYWW. Angela #12

Lisa-Jane Johnson said...

Great selection of pages there. I particularly liked the "waiting for a good quote" because I thought that's what you had intended it to say! I think it sums up so many of us when we are creating a page and wondering what it should say and you've made that in itself a piece of art! Have a sunny week, Lisa-Jane #9

Sarah Brennan said...

Looking forward to seeing how you get on with the mini printer Linda. I can see you are far more inspired by blues and purples in your journal. Enjoy Nigara and meow to the guard kitties! Stay safe and Happy WOYWW. Sarah

Neet said...

Hi - Sorry, not a clue if you need a UK version of You Tube or not but try this link please

Those kitties of yours made me laugh this week. I can ajust picture them chasing the turkey.
My word, you have been busy - I am so glad you had that dream and it spurred you on to do those lovely pages. Great idea to have a pocket for DD's lovely card too.

The tiny journal is lovely also - and funnily enough I have several of the Vincent washi tapes and I love them.
Enjoy Niagra!
Hugs, Neet xx

Neet said...

Sorry Linda - my DH sent me the wrong link. Hope this is right

Hugs, Neet xx

BJ said...

So glad you decided to just do what you wanted to NOW and not stress yourself out sticking to a previous thing. Loving your pages and especially love the cut away scalloped pages. Got me thinking I could use special cards too now.
Hugs BJ#13

Susan Renshaw said...

Finally I am managing to get around everyone's desks. Love those flappy pages in your journal - may borrow that idea! Happy WOYWW! Susan #5