Wednesday, August 14, 2024

WOYWW #793

  It's What's on Your Workdesk Wednesday, time for a peek at each other's desks and projects! We are now sharing through Sarah, at Sarah's Craft Shed!

I've been away, first to Niagara Falls, then to help my DD with Jasper while her hubby was away. So now I am back!

Here is my desk this morning:

I got myself a new mini-photo printer for the trip so I could add pictures to my journal. It worked very well! 

Here is my journal of the trip so far. It is in my Jaya Journal:

If you lift the flap with the eye on it there is a picture of us at the restaurant

This is the little pamphlet book behind the fox:

All the restaurants we ate at during the week! We also tried food at 3 food trucks, the tamales, samosas and Creole. The eggplant parmesan was incredible!

This is as far as I got so far, the rest next week!

When I was at my DD's house. I made a set of butterflies for Jasper to find when she got home from Summer Camp. They were made from a tutorial by Tiffany Sharpe. They are about 3 inches wide, so fairly big. Jasper loved them, and she taped them to the wall of her dining room, then the next day took them upstairs one at a time to stick them to the wall of her bedroom!

Here are a few pics from Niagara Falls:
We went to see the fireworks above the Falls on Saturday night. To get to the spot where we were going to watch, we had to go down a funicular, it had a lovely view from the top!

The fireworks were spectacular!

On Monday morning we went to our favourite breakfast place in Niagara Falls - The Flying Saucer Restaurant! This guy watched us eat...

It was a fun trip, a week with just my friend, then hubby and 3 other friends came on Friday, and we had a lovely weekend together! 

I hope everyone is enjoying their summer too! (or winter!)


Lisa-Jane said...

Glad the photo printer was useful and it looks like it was really inspirational too as you've already made such great progress! I just googled Tiffany Sharpe as the name rang a bell and I realised she was connected to Fodder School. I came across a load of her videos that I want to watch so that's me sorted while I do my filing in a minute! Have a great week, Lisa-Jane #9

Lunch Lady Jan said...

Great pics from a wonderful trip, so glad you had the best time! The photo printer is obviously proving useful too.
Hugs LLJ 8 xx

BJ said...

How's the photo printer working out? I was given a little Bluetooth printer but it only does B&W images and they aren't a very high resolution but great for the odd thing.
Love how you are journaling your trip and including stuff from it, love the feed me pamphlet.
My favourite are the butterflies, adore them. Niagara Falls looks amazing too. Hugs BJ#9

Helen said...

the printer sounds really useful! glad you had such a good time, I always enjoy your photos from the Falls, and then after with Jasper too, those butterflies are fab! Happy WOYWW Helen #1

My name is Cindy said...

Love the butterflies and your journal - seems like you've had a good trip! The photo printer sounds interesting!! Have a good week, love n hugs Cindy xx #4

Felix the Crafty Cat said...

Those mini printers sound really useful though I've never actually seen one. Pleased you had a good time away, you've just got to get used to being home again. It always takes me a few days when I've stayed away any where to get back to normality again Lol! Wishing you a happy woyww, Angela x12x

Susan Renshaw said...

It sounds like it was a fun trip - and I love your journal record!

My post was done on my phone and so ended up with several errors - notably a missing link. It is there now!
Happy WOYWW! Susan #3

Sarah Brennan said...

What a wonderful way to remember a visit Linda - glad the mini photo printer was such a hit. That is a spectacular view of the falls from the funicular! Meow to Inky and Mittsy. Stay safe and Happy WOYWW. Sarah

Crafting With Jack said...

I have always fancied a mini printer! Such a great tool for holidays. They always seem expensive for the size. I had to laugh at the thought of you quietly controlling the number of boxes in the garage. Have a great week. Angela #14