Wednesday, August 28, 2024

WOYWW #795

 It's What's on Your Workdesk Wednesday, time for a peek at each other's desks and projects! We are now sharing through Sarah, at Sarah's Craft Shed.

Hello! It's already the end of August! Summer is slipping away...

Here is my desk this morning. I did some tidying last week, it doesn't seem like much, and there's a lot more to do!

I have a little more room now than I did before. I also put all my smaller scraps into these ziploc re-usable bags by colour, and I have my larger pieces sorted by colour in large ziploc plastic envelopes.

That should be a bit more helpful as I used to have my colour scraps in clear boxes that were difficult to get at. These are right behind my chair. I still haven't gotten to the mess I showed you last week, that will hopefully happen this week!

I did manage to finish the last page of my Niagara Falls Trip: (there's the alien that Angela saw on my desk last week!)

If you look closely at the bottom photo you can see the alien standing behind us!

And I did manage one more page in my journal - I really like this one!

I can't seem to help myself, even in the middle of a tidy-up, I come across something that inspires me, and I just have to do it now!! In this case it was an unfinished paper doll that need a face!

Well, that's it for me today, Hubby and I are off this afternoon to check out a new place to play pickleball this winter, the place we've been playing in all summer has to revert back to ice for curling! Hubby curls, so it will just be me playing pickleball. Maybe by Spring I will be able to beat him!

Have a lovely week!


Lunch Lady Jan said...

Well done on the sorting out, that looks excellent and will make finding stuff so much easier! I like the pages you’ve done and the alien made me laugh especially the one in the photo, He’s Behind You!! I’ve heard a lot about pickleball, seems like a good game.
Hugs LLJ 4 xx

BJ said...

Oh my goodness what on earth is pickleball? Curling I know but pickleball??? I do love your extra journal page and the paper doll but especially the sentiment. Well done on finishing the Trip journal too it's super and yes sorting scraps by colour is the way I do it too. I have a box of tiny scraps, bags of medium and a box for bigger too. Oh my!. Hugs BJ#12

Felix the Crafty Cat said...

It's always good to have a tidy now and then but I know what you mean about finding stuff and getting distracted it happens to me ever time Lol! No idea what Pickleball is. Happy woyww, Angela x10x

Helen said...

I had a bit (very little) bit of a sort out last week but then the bin got full of paper/card recycling so I "had" to stop.... Happy WOYWW and carry on crafting! Helen #2

Mary Anne said...

I am like you - mid-clean I have to stop and make stuff. It's a blessing and a curse LOL! Love the journal page, and again, I am like you - I organized my scraps in a very similar way and really, it makes a HUGE difference when I am needing just a bit of a certain colour :)
Last few!
Mary Anne (3)

Spyder said...

I'm the same, when tidying up, if I find scrap of anything I'm off trying to make something else with it and time just flies by, which is probably why 'm always late! Love your whole post...mine is VERY borning this week as I'm away. Have a happy (late) WOYWW!?((Lyn)) #15

Sarah Brennan said...

Great idea for the paper sorting - might have to try that myself Linda - mine are just heaped into a large box under my desk. Love the journaling - such a great reminder of trips. Meow to Inky and Mittsy. Stay safe and Happy WOYWW. Sarah

Neet said...

Never heard of pickleball - going to have to look it up now. I have my bits that I cut off in bags too but not ziplock ones like you and regardless of size they all go in one. I like your idea much more.
Great journal pages - I love the alien page - great idea to do the journaling in a circle.
Enjoy your pickleballing.
Hugs, Neet 1 xx