Wednesday, August 21, 2024

WOYWW #794

  It's What's on Your Workdesk Wednesday, time for a peek at each other's desks and projects! We are now sharing through Sarah, at Sarah's Craft Shed.

Hello from chilly Ontario! Only 12°C today - brrr! Someone needs to tell the weather that it's August!! The cats are in and out, not believing it could really be this cold!

Here is my desk this morning, I'm just starting the last journal page of my trip to Niagara Falls:

My art room is in a real mess, here is a small portion! I need to spend a day tidying!

I worked on my journal this week, catching up with my Niagara Falls trip:

Only one more day left to do! That's it for me today, short and sweet for a change! Inky and Mittsy say "meow" to all their furry cousins, have a great week!


Lunch Lady Jan said...

It’s great to see the journalling of your trip, fab pics and wonderful colours! It’s definitely colder here today as well, having said that, I’m still in t shirt and shorts in the house, lol! Hope the cats are keeping snug!
Hugs LLJ 6 xx

Crafting With Jack said...

Well your journal is just fabulous! Love the colours and it looks a fantastic holiday. I was wondering why is there an alien on your desk? I would be happy to send you those vintage files if you would like them. Happy WOYWW. Angela #11

Lisa-Jane said...

You're doing great with your holiday journal! There have been a few people doing tidying this week on WOYWW so I'm hoping it's going to rub off on me and maybe you too? Have a great week, Lisa-Jane #12,

BJ said...

Super journal what a lovely memento of your trip. I seem to have confused a few with my scrapbook page. Kosa is Croatian for "hair", just wanted a different word for a change and liked this one as Kara used to be my internet name - similar... The Viking girl is ME from one of those facebook face change things so it started out as a photo of me. What caught my eye in your craft room is the b&w photo of a guy with a guitar??? Hugs BJ#10

Helen said...

Love the journal remembering your trip! It would take more than a day to sort my space out... Happy WOYWW Helen #1

Felix the Crafty Cat said...

I think we've had your nice weather over here but hope we get some rain soon. Well done with the journal the pages they look great. Wishing you a happy woyww evening. Hugs Angela x9x

Sarah Brennan said...

Love how the journal is coming on Linda - such a great way to remember your trip and the mini printer has really helped. Meow to the kitties. Stay safe and Happy WOYWW. Sarah

Spyder said...

Sorry i'm sooo late, you got put in to spam again! I just love your all your journal pages and what a fantastic way to save all your memories of your times away! Love it!

Spyder said...

Ps! Happy late woyww!? ((Lyn )) #13

Kyla said...

ooh nice journal pages and hope its a bit warmer now over there too
Thanks for visiting my desk already