Wednesday, July 10, 2024

WOYWW #788

 It's What's on Your Workdesk Wednesday, time for a peek at each other's desks and projects! We are now sharing through Sarah, at Sarah's Craft Shed!

We've had such lovely July weather until today, when we are getting the remnants of Hurricane Beryl. Not too bad so far, just a LOT of rain and some thunder. Not even windy! A nice day to stay inside where it's cozy!

Here is my desk this morning:

I've been making more ATC's from my Mastersheets/boards. This one was just made with strips of fodder:

And then cut up into ATC's, and finished:

And these ATC's are from the first mastersheet/board I made two weeks ago:

That's it for me today, I really need to get to my Little Journal, which has now turned into the Little July Journal, and my big journal that I haven't working in ages!

I hope everyone is finding time to make art, sometimes it's hard in the summer, too much to do, places to go, too hot and sweaty...but it's nice when we can! Have a wonderful week, Inky is enjoying watching the storm from the porch, and Mittsy is curled up somewhere comfy in the house! They both send their purrs to their cousins across the pond!

Have a great week,


Sarah Brennan said...

I will have to check back on my computer Linda as the photos aren't showing up on my phone. Quick comments on my phone before Awards Evening. Stay safe and happy WOYWW. Sarah

BJ said...

Love how you've made ATCs from masterboards. And the latest masterboard from fodder strips is so cool. Hugs BJ#4

Helen said...

the atcs look gorgeous, I often make atcs from masterboards but not such interesting looking ones as you have! Glad you haven't been too badly hit by hurricane Beryl. I think I;ve only felt hot about 2 days this "summer" .... happy WOYWW Helen #1

Lunch Lady Jan said...

Well, those fodder strip master boards are genius! They look brilliant as the atc backgrounds, I’ll have to have a go at that cos it’s quick and effective! I’m relieved that you’re not getting hit badly by the hurricane, that’s good news.
Hugs LLJ 5 xx

Felix the Crafty Cat said...

Loving the Masterboard, it's a great way to use up left-overs which of course we all have. Loving the ATCs too. Pleased the weather isn't being too much of a problem as I know it has been awful for some. Your kitties have the right idea, stay in and find a comfy spot to relax. Sending you hugs and wishes for a happy woyww, Angela x10x

Neet said...

Over here in the UK we are wondering where summer has gone, glad someone has had lovely weather.
Love the idea of the strips, in those gorgeous colours, beilng used as. Masterboard and then cut up for ATC's. The results are lovely.

Glad the two fur babes are ok
Hugs, Neet 2 xx

Annie said...

I have to agree with you that crafting is hard when the weather is hot but sadly we haven't had that problem yet this year...just glad to stay cosy in my sewing room out of the rain lol.
Annie x #7

Elizabeth said...

Your ATCs made from your masterboards are brilliant. Love your term 'strips of fodder'. I have a box of just such strips of fodder just screaming out to be used. Just not today. No chance of being too hot and sweaty here in Scotland - summer has passed us by this year. I hope the storm passes by without too much damage. Have a good week. Elizabeth x #15

Crafting With Jack said...

Think we have had two hot days so far! Mostly cool enough for jumpers! Your ATCs from masterboards are great. Happy WOYWW. Angela #12

Diana Taylor said...

Your ATC's are fabulous - I love the masterboard idea, it is really effective. Glad you aren't getting too battered by Hurricane Beryl. Sounds like just the sort of weather to stay at home and craft!
Have a good week,
Diana xx #13

Sarah Brennan said...

Loving the ATCs from masterboard! Sarah

Susan Renshaw said...

Like the strips master board. Happy WOYWW! Susan #8

Mary Anne said...

ATCs from masterboards are such a great way to do them. Loving yours for sure. I have a jar on my desk and all my strips go in it to draw from when I need them. I've used them for my ICADs too. Poppy is like Mittsy, curled up in the room with an open window, but refusing to venture out into the Catio. Smart Kitty!
Late, but determined to get around!
Mary Anne (3)