Wednesday, July 26, 2023

WOYWW #738

 Another Wednesday, time for a peek at each other's desks and projects! If you would like to learn more, just go to Maybe you could join our little group!

Last week got away from me somehow! Last Wednesday was hubby's birthday, and a picnic, and singing in the choir I belong to, and out for dinner, and a play (Sound of Music). Whew! For someone who's been essentially bedbound for 3 months it was a lot for one day! So I recovered for the next couple of days, then the weekend to visit our niece and a swim in her lake...a day in the sun and I'm exhausted again! So I didn't get a chance to visit any blogs, but I will visit both your blog posts today! (or tomorrow...) This weekend I am off for my annual "Girl's week" with my good friend in Niagara Falls, so I probably won't post next week. 

I didn't get a lot done last week, but here is my desk this morning: pretty full and messy desk! I am drying some images I glued into my tag book

Here is my Tag Book (as taught by Megan Quinlan in the Fodder Challenge)

It's not finished, I thought I would bring it to Niagara Falls with me and use it as my travel journal this year. It has 4 pockets for tags and 8 pages (or 4 long pages). It should work fine! I'll show you when I get back.

Here are a couple of pages in my small ongoing art journal that I started last year in Fodder School. I keep adding to it once in awhile:

And that's it for me! We just had a torrential rain a few minutes ago, it's all over now! I hope the heat isn't too bad for you over there. Luckily we haven't gotten it yet.

Inky and Mittsy are enjoying the summer so far, out every day, rolling in the dirt (seems to be a requirement before coming in for the night😒) And so they say "Meow!" And I say, have a great week! Stay cool! Have fun! Create Joy!


Sarah Brennan said...

Quick visits today as I seem to be even busier than usual now that the holidays are here. Glad you are feeling much better now - don't overdo things! Enjoy Niagara look forward to seeing the journal. Stay safe and Happy WOYWW. Sarah #15

Crafting With Jack said...

Sounds like you had fun, but don’t over do it when you have been poorly. Happy WOYWW. Angela #12

My name is Cindy said...

Glad you are feeling better - totally get the need to have a break between events, that sounded like a lot for last Wednesday! Enjoy your time with your friend I'm sure there will be lots to go in your little journal. Have a good week, love n hugs Cindyxx #13

Neet said...

I hadn't realised you had been so poorly, take it easy now and don't overdo things. But .. enjoy your time with the girls - Niagra Falls sounds ideal to refresh the soul.
Love the thoughts of the cats rolling in the dust.
Hugs, Neet 3 xx

Lunch Lady Jan said...

I know you’ve been poorly, don’t overdo things, you need to recuperate properly! I’m glad that you’ve had family and friend events to keep you happy, keep on enjoying xx
Hugs LLJ 6 xx

Helen said...

Sounds like you are doing a lot, like Jan says, take it slowly! Enjoy Niagara Falls though. I would love to see them! Happy WOYWW and see you when you get back xx Helen #2

Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

You certainly did a LOT on your husband's birthday. I got exhausted just reading all you have done (grin).

I like that tag book you are working on. I haven't started any of the Fodder Challenges, but I have at least seen MOST of the videos finally. I love those fodder entries in your art journal and the flowers and leaves. Happy WOYWW from # 1. Bleubeard and Squiggles Meow back to Inky and Mittsy.

Mary Anne said...

You have done so well with the fodder challenge. I am still working on the mobile and planning a tag book, and awaiting the right fabric to make the "ribbons" but I am also deep into the original FS classes now too, so maybe a bit scattered! And still not done with the ICADs yet either. Such a bust crafting life LOL! You too, so very busy, with creativity and celebrations!
Happy WOYWW a day late
Mary Anne (4)

Ali Wade Designs said...

Happy Belated WOYWW. Lots of wonderful creativity in your post this week. Definitely make sure you aren't overdoing it. I understand more than many about the importance of pacing. I have to say no to a lot of things now, and tell myself that it is vital I get plenty of rest and sleep. Very frustrating, as my mind wants to be on the go all the time, but I do enjoy my more limited lifestyle as a result. Ali x #19

Christine said...

Visiting late am I am bedbound at the moment. I've messed up my left knee and can't walk very well....
Hope your having a lovely time at Niagara, be careful.
Christine # 18