Monday, April 13, 2009

Easter Day

I was a bit "maudlin" on Easter Day, missing my DD terribly, remembering all the Easters we had together when she was little. I have all the EDM #s in a box, when I don't know what to draw, I pull out a number and draw what it says. I pulled out #2 - draw a lamp. So I drew one of my MIL's lamps. I love these lamps, they are very old, the shades have gold thread in them, though I couldn't figure out how to make it look like gold. I decide to put in all the surrounding bits too, so on the left is a painting that my Mom did of me and my DD, on the right is a painting from Singapore. There are two photos of DD as a child on the table the lamp is sitting on, and the chair is also one from my MIL. Lots of memories in this little drawing! If you want to see the whole of the painting of me and my DD, look here.

so - although I enjoyed drawing, I'm still a bit maudlin. . .


Aimeslee Winans said...

I'm in awe! You drew the lamp beautifully. I also had a look at your mom's site you linked. Wow. I know you've said you came from an artistic mom. Glad I could read about her.

The drawing is just lovely. You might be in a maudlin mood, but your art is not maudlin! :-)))

Kate said...

I concur. Your mood might be maudlin but your art most certainly isn't. It comes across as really warm and full of comfort.