Wednesday, March 19, 2025

WOYWW #824

 It's What's on Your Workdesk Wednesday, time for a peek at each other's desks and projects! We are now sharing through Sarah, at Sarah's Craft Shed.

Hello! What a beautiful morning here in Southern Ontario! The sun is shining, there was a Blue Jay at the feeder, and Inky went outside for a little while! Mittsy did too, but turned right around and came back inside. 0°C is still too cold! Almost all the snow is gone, and the tempertature is rising during the day...Spring is on it's way!

Here is my desk this morning. I was as surprised as you this morning when I saw it!

I don't know what has gotten into me! I haven't been able to do much this week, my doctor has me on bed rest due to an asthma flare up, but I did do a few things. I wanted a stencil of a Russian Doll, the kind that fit inside each other, so I made one. This doll was my first one:

I liked her so much I thought I would make up a bunch of them:

And here is where they are now:

waiting to be finished. They each have their own personality! I may continue and make a few smaller and smaller ones!

Hopefully I can finish them by next week. 

Well that's is for me, short and sweet! I hope everyone has a wonderful week! Inky and Mittsy are so looking forward to warmer days!


SusanLotus said...

Cute russian dolls!

I've had computer problems all day so I can't stand using my laptop right now, I hate when the internet is troubling with me, so I'll just have to look at all the participants instead. :)
Hugs and have a wonderful week!

Felix the Crafty Cat said...

Tidy desk today. The weather's been nice where we are too, very sunny. Sometimes it's good to walk away from the desk and have a rest from it. Your doll looks sweet and I look forward to seeing them completed. Wishing you a very happy woyww, Angela x8x

Helen said...

Hope you feel more "with it" soon, and back to normal. I love the Russian dolls. Happy Woyww Helen #3

Ginny Maxam said...

Hi Lindart! Thanks for stopping by my desk, your desk is awesome too, lot of creative stuff going on! I love your Russian Dolls! Ginny #14

Mary Anne said...

Sorry your asthma is acting up - my mate is in the same place. Something in the air maybe? Gotta wonder. BOTH my asthma friends are needing inhalers (or steroids) to keep them breathing easy. anyway, love the dolls and I do hope you are feeling well enought to finish them up - they do look quite adorable!
Catching up after a knitting day WOYWW!
Mary Anne (4)

Sarah Brennan said...

Hope the asthma flare up is easing Linda. Loving those Russian dolls. Meow to the kitties. Stay safe and Happy WOYWW. Sarah

Susan Renshaw said...

Love your Russian dolls. I have a set that are a favourite with my 3 year old grandson!
Happy WOYWW! Susan #13

Crafting With Jack said...

A belated Happy WOYWW! I do hope you are feeling better now. Your Russian dolls are lovely. Yesterday was warm for the time of year, 18 C 64 F, dropping to 10 C 50 F by Sunday. We actually sat outside yesterday for a while. Hugs Angela #10