It's What's on Your Workdesk Wednesday, time for a peek at each other's desks and projects! We are now sharing through Sarah, at Sarah's Craft Shed.
Warning! Photo heavy post!
Hello! I hope everyone is well this morning! I have finally finished re-organizing my craft room. It took almost all month, and I got rid of piles and piles of things I guess I didn't need. Especially storage trays and containers. Here is a description of what my room used to be:
My art room is a mess. I can’t walk from my door to my chair without stepping on something. On my way to my chair I bump into something that falls on the floor. No real reason to pick it up, I don’t even pay much attention to what it is. I sit down, ready to create. I feel good, but a little cramped. I don’t have much room to create, maybe about a 6”x6” spot, but that’s ok, I just plop my journal on top of what is already there. I look for a stencil I want…where is it? It was here yesterday, what happened to it? I look in several spots before I find it. Now I need some paint…there it is, all my paints, but I have to reach over a chest of drawers to get to them, the basket is so heavy my arms feel like they are going to break! I find the colour I want, bit now I need a sponge, I know where those are and I am able to get one easily. So I start my journal page. Every time I need something I have to search for it. I have no place to put my journal while it’s drying so I plop it on top of one of my rolling carts, and continue to create in this haphazard way.
So now I introduce my new and improved craft room! Starting with my desk:
And then photos of my room:
This is to my right, just under the table. Everything I use often is within reach!
I won't bore you with more photos, just saying that I did 2 journal pages this week! I will post them next week.
The sun is starting to come out, we are expecting rain today (yes! Melt the darn snow!), spring is on it's way, the cats will be happy!
I hope everyone has a wonderful week, thank you for plodding though all my photos!
What a wonderfully organized room, well done 🤗🤗. It is so hard keeping it that way! I settle for putting everything away after I have finished whatever I am working on, since I decide when I am finished it’s not too difficult 🤣🤣. Looking forward to seeing your new pages. Happy WOYWW. Angela #3
Well done, it's such a job sorting craft rooms when you would sooner be crafting but looks like you've succeeded. I had to smile about having nowhere to dry stuff, I do exactly the same . Wishing you a very happy woyww. Hugs Angela x12x
your room (before) sounds like mine... but you did something about yours, well done!! it looks amazing. Happy WOYWW Helen #1
Hi, Linda! Thanks for sharing your photos! I love looking at craft spaces! You have a lot, but your room is nicely organized and so neat! Great job!
Sorry for the late visit! I got off to a late start and there is no such thing as "catching up!" Have a mellow and wonderful week!
Chana, WOYWW #15
Oh well done Linda on getting all the reorganisation finally finished. Love the new and improved space. Meow to Inky and Mittsy. Stay safe and Happy WOYWW. Sarah
You did a great job! The stash is now so neat and tidy and everything is accessible 🥰
Hugs LLJ 2 xx
Catching up with the last few people. I am deep in my 100 days of FS and happy to see you may join in. Curious to know what lessons you are doing - I have some that I am curious about, some that leave me cold, some I adore. I was a bit annoyed this year the challenge was at a cost. Put me right off buying another season. Anyway, I love your space - it is super organized and I think you have more stuff than I do LOL! It makes it so easy to create. And with a clean desk (two actually!) I can spread stuff out and leave it. Thank way anytime I am passing by, with a few minutes, I can make progress. I cut my finger SO badly (right on the tipm my main typing finger too!) all my WOYWW comments this week were brief - as you can see, it's healed pretty well so I can type loads now - poor you... Keep me posted on your FS progress. Let's cheer each other on. February of FS 1 is a really packed one. Loads of inspo.
Happy late WOYWW!
Mary Anne (5)
Hi Linda, I’ve been trying to leave a reply on my blog to your question about the books on my shelf. They are a series by Uppercase. Hope that helps. Sorry I couldn’t get the reply thing to work on my blog
Lynn x
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