Wednesday, September 18, 2024

WOYWW #798

 It's What's on Your Workdesk Wednesday, time for a peek at each other's desks and projects! We are now sharing through Sarah, at Sarah's Craft Shed.

It still feels like summer so far, thankfully! Although some of the trees are just starting to turn colour...

I am writing this on Tuesday, since I have no time on Wednesdays to write anymore. I haven't done much this week, so I will be short and sweet. Here is my desk

I spent some time making my friend a birthday card, and a 4th Anniversary card for my DD and her hubby.

Birthday card using one of my Megan Quinlan stencils and watercolours.

and this is the Anniversary card that I actually made in April, just had to write the inside.

I made a new page in my JIYA Journal:

I wrote the things I was doing or watching in September - watching Monk on Netflix, playing Pickleball, working on my journal, playing WORLDLE (any one playing this? I love it. NOT Wordle. Type in in your search, for some reason a link won't work), going to choir, and watched the US debate - I will probably add a few more as the month goes by.

So that's it for today. The kitties are enjoying the sunshine while they can, chasing our one and only chipmunk we have named "Chippy", but never hurting him! They send their "meows" to their kitty cousins, and I hope everyone has a wonderful week!


Robyn said...

I see you are on the birthday card journey too! Thanks for sharing your journal pages- always an inspiration. Robyn 16

Crafting With Jack said...

Both together? Can’t see my post comment! What did I write? Great cards, love the background colour of your journal page and love that lady stamp - is she new? Happy WOYWW. Angela #14 I won Worldle in 4 moves 🤗🤗

Lunch Lady Jan said...

I hadn’t heard of Worldle, will definitely check it out as I’m a Geography geek! The cards are fab, esp your daughter’s anniversary one. Keeping a journal definitely makes you relive what you’ve done, I can’t remember what I did last week 🙄
Hugs LLJ 5 xx

Diana Taylor said...

I love the cards you made - the bird is stunning, what beautiful colours. Must look up Worldle as I've never heard of it, it sounds interesting. Hope you have a great week,
Diana xx #13 said...

Beautiful cards and lovely journal pages too! Happy WOYWW - Michelle #15 x

Helen said...

I don't play any of those games and not come across Worldle, I doubt I'd do very well! I always write my post on a Tuesday too, I think several of us do! Love your pages and cards. Helen #2

Felix the Crafty Cat said...

Loving the cards and the bird is brilliant, made me smile lots. It doesn't matter when you do the post as long as you're here though sometimes life does get in the way. I always tend to plan my posts in advance as I rarely have enough time to do it on the Wednesday or wide enough awake actually! Take care and happy woyww, Angela x6x

Rajani Rehana said...

Beautiful blog

Rajani Rehana said...

Please read my post

BJ said...

Super cards, some of my fav colours there. Love the JIYA page, I've been watching MONK too as it happens. You can use Google Translate on the Japanese text and the pieces I used were lovely. Dentist was OK a little traumatic at one point but nothing major required this time. Back is OK but I've decided to skip badminton tonight. Hugs BJ#12

Lisa-Jane said...

Fabulous cards there and I especially like the collage effect one. I'm getting around eventually! Have a sunny week, Lisa-Jane #10