Wednesday, September 11, 2024

WOYWW #797

 It's What's on Your Workdesk Wednesday, time for a peek at each other's desks and projects! We are now sharing through Sarah, at Sarah's Craft Shed.

Since I'm off to Pickleball on Wednesday mornings, I'm writing this on Tuesday morning. Here is my desk this morning:

I'm just getting started on my September page in my JIYA Journal. I have my 2 Tiny Journals beside it, and the stencils I want to use. In the little box is a pendant that my Mom needs fixing.

I have finished my June-July-August tiny journal, here are the last few pages:

This one is the last page:

This, opens up to...


And I have started my September Tiny Journal. I chose this paper for the cover because it had the word Paris on it, and my DD and Jasper are going to Paris at the end of the month to meet my SIL there (who was working there for 2 weeks)!

And here is the first page:

Well, that's it for me today. Sept 11 is a very sad day, as we remember the attack on the Twin Towers in NYC. I remember that day so well, I was teaching at the time, and we were trying very hard to have a "normal" day with the children, not letting them know what had happened. When we came back to school the next day we were shocked to find that on every single fence board were crosses in chalk. One or more of the children had been marking on the fence with chalk, but we were in such shock that we didn't notice until the next morning what they had been doing.

It still brings tears to my eyes. 

Have a lovely week,


Lunch Lady Jan said...

The pages you’ve done are really lovely and I like the Paris link, hope your daughter and Jasper have a grand time there. It is a sad day today remembering 9/11, the children were obviously affected by it. But it’s a happy day for me personally as the 11th of September (we do our calendar differently) as it’s our wedding anniversary.
Hugs LLJ 8 xx

Felix the Crafty Cat said...

Loving the new journal pages though they are making me feel guilty as I made a new journal cover months ago with an idea in mind and still done nothing to add to it. That was indeed a very sad day and I remember seeing 9/11 on TV, I could hardly believe what was happening. Hope the Pickleball went well and wishing you a happy woyww, hugs Angela x12x

Helen said...

As always your pages are fabulous, and the Paris link is perfect. Today is indeed a sad day. It filled out tv screens for days (as it should) and we were even allowed home from work early. Hope you had fun at pickleball. Helen #2

My name is Cindy said...

Great pages and that Lynn Perella-ish image (I don't recognise that actual stamp) has made me pause and think when I last had mine out - probably a few years!! Indeed a sad day - I remember my children were quite young at the time and I just felt so hopeless for the future. But we do need to keep these things in our memory. Have a great week, love n hugs Cindyxx #7

Susan Renshaw said...

Love all your little and tiny journal pages!
I don't think anyone could believe what was happening that September 11 - it was the day after our oldest son was 21. He rang me saying had I seen the television...

Have a good week... Susan #3

Sarah Brennan said...

I hadn't realised how small those journal pages were until I saw your tiny journals Linda. Such gorgeous pages. Last September 11th was Dad's funeral so it is an especially sad date for me too. I was teaching that day too - my friend had a brother in upstate New York and was concerned as he often went into the city. Thankfully she found out he was safe but so many weren't as lucky. Hugs and meow to the kitties. Stay safe and Happy WOYWW. Sarah

Crafting With Jack said...

Fabulous journal pages. You have been busy! Happy WOYWW. Angela #15

BJ said...

Adore your tiny journals, maybe I'll do a tiny one next month, we'll see. The crosses on the fence are indeed a sad reminder. Hugs BJ#6

Neet said...

My you have been busy with those journal pages - small or what they still need thinking about and making. Love the thinking behind the Paris journal and I love the cover and following pages. It's a mere hop over the channel for us to get there and I do enjoy the city of Paris.
I was at home 9/11 and can remember seeing it on TV and wondering what on earth I was watching. Horrible, I don't think there are many who would not feel teary about that date.
Hugsm Neet xx 1