Wednesday, July 24, 2024

WOYWW #790

 It's What's on Your Workdesk Wednesday, time for a peek at each other's desks and projects! We are now sharing through Sarah, at Sarah's Craft Shed!

Hello all! I missed last week, unforeseen circumstances and all...but I'm back now! Here is my desk this morning:

I've been working in my Art Journal this week. I hadn't touched it since April! I think it's because I don't like the colour palette. I did two pages, then I had a dream that said "well, change it if you don't like it!' And it showed me what to do. So the next day I did what my dream told me to do:

The pocket is holding a lovely Mother's Day card from my DD, from last year, that she kept forgetting to mail! I'm glad she finally got it to me because it was worth the wait!

So now, moving on, I have given myself permission to do whatever I want, whatever colour I want, and change things as I want. I am going off to my yearly visit to Niagara Falls with my good friend Cairine, next week. We always have a wonderful time. I bought myself a new mini-printer so I can add photos to my journal.

Last week I worked in my Tiny Journal:

This one uses just the Van Gogh Washi Tape I bought a while back!

Stencils by Megan Quinlan

That's it for my art adventures, but here's Inky...what is she looking at?

Why, it's the turkey come back to say hello! Inky was not happy and chased her across the road, and later that afternoon when the turkey came back again, little teeny Inky chased that giant bird all the way around the house! She's very territorial..

Have a wonderful week, the kitties say meow to all their kitty cousins!

Wednesday, July 10, 2024

WOYWW #788

 It's What's on Your Workdesk Wednesday, time for a peek at each other's desks and projects! We are now sharing through Sarah, at Sarah's Craft Shed!

We've had such lovely July weather until today, when we are getting the remnants of Hurricane Beryl. Not too bad so far, just a LOT of rain and some thunder. Not even windy! A nice day to stay inside where it's cozy!

Here is my desk this morning:

I've been making more ATC's from my Mastersheets/boards. This one was just made with strips of fodder:

And then cut up into ATC's, and finished:

And these ATC's are from the first mastersheet/board I made two weeks ago:

That's it for me today, I really need to get to my Little Journal, which has now turned into the Little July Journal, and my big journal that I haven't working in ages!

I hope everyone is finding time to make art, sometimes it's hard in the summer, too much to do, places to go, too hot and sweaty...but it's nice when we can! Have a wonderful week, Inky is enjoying watching the storm from the porch, and Mittsy is curled up somewhere comfy in the house! They both send their purrs to their cousins across the pond!

Have a great week,

Wednesday, July 03, 2024

WOYWW #787

  It's What's on Your Workdesk Wednesday, time for a peek at each other's desks and projects! We are now sharing through Sarah, at Sarah's Craft Shed!

It's July already! We are finally into the summer weather! The cats love basking in the sun on the porch, the yard is alive with birds, squirrels, foxes, and even a wild turkey!!

My Granddaughter Jasper was finally introduced to Grandma's Magic Room this weekend...

and I haven't been able to get back to it. But Jasper had a great time! She made 3 ATCs, one for herself and her Mom and Dad from the ATCs that I cut up from my masterboard last week:

And she stamped and coloured her own little paper doll! For the ATCs she chose the words, stamped a 3 on hers, added some marks, and the flowers and design piece on her Dad's. She was so proud!

So the weekend was spent with Jasper and her Mom, no time for Grandma to get into her own Magic Room!

4 generations!

She's just too cute!

They left on the 30th, and we had Canada Day on July 1st. We have a tradition of going to lunch and people watching that day, which we did!

Our Town Crier saying hello!

I hope you are all enjoying summer wherever you are (or winter!), Have a wonderful week! Hopefully I will have more of my own art to show then!