Wednesday, September 06, 2023

WOYWW #744

 Another Wednesday, time for a peek at each other's desks and projects! If you would like to learn more, just go to Maybe you could join our little group!

Hello all! We are in the midst of a heatwave, just for a few days, probably the most "summer weather" we've had all summer, so I'm happy! It's very quiet here now, with all the neighborhood kids back at school!

Here is my desk this morning. It is mostly the underpaper that I have been using, which I will use in a project someday, but if you look hard you can see a little pile of mushrooms...

I made a mushroom stencil, as I am now running low on this type of fodder, and then made a bunch of cute little mushrooms

I will probably make more today

I have also been playing with paper dolls (which I loved to do as a kid!). I bought a course from Megan Quillan called "The Comprehensive Paper Doll" and I am having a lot of fun with it! I had ben watching "The Witcher" on Netflix, and 2 of these paper dolls were inspired by a couple of the characters!

So I will probably be making more paper dolls this week as well!

And, as promised, a picture of Mittsy! She often comes to the window while I am at the computer just to see what I'm doing and to make sure I'm safe, then off she goes!

With that said, everyone have a safe and creative week this week!


Sarah Brennan said...

Fabulous paper dolls Linda and the mushrooms are super cute too. It's hot here too now that school is back on. Meow to Mitsy and Inky. Stay safe and Happy WOYWW. Sarah #8

Helen said...

same here the the heat, but i am not a fan! I've got next week off work and it is meant to be better, so I hope!! Love the paper dolls. Helen #1

Felix the Crafty Cat said...

When our pets look at us like that I often wonder what they might be thinking. It's been hot here today too which is fine if you don't have too much to do. Loving thr new paper dolls and mushrooms. Sending happy woyww wishes, Angela x15x

Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

Mushroom fodder. Beautiful indeed. Nice stencil so you can color and decorate them any way you choose.

I checked out that Megan Quillan course, but it was a bit too rich for me to join. I absolutely LOVE what you have made and I look forward to more as you progress through the course.

Meows to Mittsy and Inky from Bleubeard and Squiggles. Happy WOYWW from # 5.

Mary Anne said...

I always have to remember to pop back to find you! Love the dolls and the mushroom stencil is a great idea! Also, Mitsy reminds me so much of Poppy, They have similar markings. Hot here too and 32 on Saturday. Ugh. cannot wait for it to be over.

Happy too sunny WOYWW+1!
Mary Anne (9)

Lynnecrafts said...

Very cute mushrooms and gorgeous dolls. Misty is looking great. They do look after us!
Take care and have a good week
Lynnecrafts 2xx

Crafting With Jack said...

Cute mushrooms - I zoomed in to see them :). Great paper dolls. I look forward to seeing what you do with them. Hugs Angela #3

My name is Cindy said...

Those mushrooms were hard to see but the second photo was glorious!! Love your paper dolls, keep seeing them everywhere at the mo, somebody somewhere must be having a challenge! Very hot here this week (I like the heat!!). Makes it a lot easier to pack for the sun than when I'm in jeans and jumpers and can't remember what it is like to be warm! Hope you have a good week, love n hugs Cindy xx #17

rose AKA Walk in the Woods - she/her said...

OMGs, I love those paper dolls - such fun! And the mushrooms are charming, as well!

BJ said...

Totally taken by the mushrooms, love them. Hugs BJ#6

Julia Dunnit said...

Love the mushrooms , did have to enlarge at first, made me smile..perhaps only a crafter would take you at your word and hint for mushrooms on scratch paper!! It’s hot in the IK this week too as I’m sure you’ve gathered. We’re in very hot and sunny Mallorca, Spain, so swimming and being idle makes the heat very bearable! The paper dolls aren’t at all as I was expecting, very creative!