It's What's on Your Workdesk Wednesday, time for a peek at each other's desks and projects! We are now sharing through Sarah, at Sarah's Craft Shed.
Hello! What a beautiful morning here in Southern Ontario! The sun is shining, there was a Blue Jay at the feeder, and Inky went outside for a little while! Mittsy did too, but turned right around and came back inside. 0°C is still too cold! Almost all the snow is gone, and the tempertature is rising during the day...Spring is on it's way!
Here is my desk this morning. I was as surprised as you this morning when I saw it!
I don't know what has gotten into me! I haven't been able to do much this week, my doctor has me on bed rest due to an asthma flare up, but I did do a few things. I wanted a stencil of a Russian Doll, the kind that fit inside each other, so I made one. This doll was my first one:
I liked her so much I thought I would make up a bunch of them:
And here is where they are now:
waiting to be finished. They each have their own personality! I may continue and make a few smaller and smaller ones!
Hopefully I can finish them by next week.
Well that's is for me, short and sweet! I hope everyone has a wonderful week! Inky and Mittsy are so looking forward to warmer days!