Wednesday, September 18, 2024

WOYWW #798

 It's What's on Your Workdesk Wednesday, time for a peek at each other's desks and projects! We are now sharing through Sarah, at Sarah's Craft Shed.

It still feels like summer so far, thankfully! Although some of the trees are just starting to turn colour...

I am writing this on Tuesday, since I have no time on Wednesdays to write anymore. I haven't done much this week, so I will be short and sweet. Here is my desk

I spent some time making my friend a birthday card, and a 4th Anniversary card for my DD and her hubby.

Birthday card using one of my Megan Quinlan stencils and watercolours.

and this is the Anniversary card that I actually made in April, just had to write the inside.

I made a new page in my JIYA Journal:

I wrote the things I was doing or watching in September - watching Monk on Netflix, playing Pickleball, working on my journal, playing WORLDLE (any one playing this? I love it. NOT Wordle. Type in in your search, for some reason a link won't work), going to choir, and watched the US debate - I will probably add a few more as the month goes by.

So that's it for today. The kitties are enjoying the sunshine while they can, chasing our one and only chipmunk we have named "Chippy", but never hurting him! They send their "meows" to their kitty cousins, and I hope everyone has a wonderful week!

Wednesday, September 11, 2024

WOYWW #797

 It's What's on Your Workdesk Wednesday, time for a peek at each other's desks and projects! We are now sharing through Sarah, at Sarah's Craft Shed.

Since I'm off to Pickleball on Wednesday mornings, I'm writing this on Tuesday morning. Here is my desk this morning:

I'm just getting started on my September page in my JIYA Journal. I have my 2 Tiny Journals beside it, and the stencils I want to use. In the little box is a pendant that my Mom needs fixing.

I have finished my June-July-August tiny journal, here are the last few pages:

This one is the last page:

This, opens up to...


And I have started my September Tiny Journal. I chose this paper for the cover because it had the word Paris on it, and my DD and Jasper are going to Paris at the end of the month to meet my SIL there (who was working there for 2 weeks)!

And here is the first page:

Well, that's it for me today. Sept 11 is a very sad day, as we remember the attack on the Twin Towers in NYC. I remember that day so well, I was teaching at the time, and we were trying very hard to have a "normal" day with the children, not letting them know what had happened. When we came back to school the next day we were shocked to find that on every single fence board were crosses in chalk. One or more of the children had been marking on the fence with chalk, but we were in such shock that we didn't notice until the next morning what they had been doing.

It still brings tears to my eyes. 

Have a lovely week,

Wednesday, September 04, 2024

WOYWW #796

 It's What's on Your Workdesk Wednesday, time for a peek at each other's desks and projects! We are now sharing through Sarah, at Sarah's Craft Shed.

It's September already! The kids are all going back to school today, yesterday was a PD Day! I am starting Pickleball today on my own, hubby isn't playing again until next year. Pickleball is like a combination of tennis and ping pong, played with a wiffle ball (the plastic ball with holes) on a smaller court. We use paddles instead of rackets. It's fun!

Anyway this will be short and sweet as I have to leave soon. First photo is my desk this morning. I have more room to work! I spent the week tidying up my space, trying to make things more accessible that I use, and move the things I don't use very often. I finally put the garbage and recycling behind me so I could reach it.

If you remember, this is what the space to my left looked like last week:

So, a bit of improvement!

We went to a very cool art show on the weekend called Fantasy in the Forest. It was deep n the woods, and it was like a community of Elves, Sprites and other creatures! Here are a few pics:

It was a lot of fun, and some beautiful art, jewelry, and fun things!

Anyway, I have to get ready to leave now, so hopefully I can show my own art to you next week. Have a wonderful week, Inky and Mittsy say "meow"!