It's What's on Your Workdesk Wednesday, time for a peek at each other's desks and projects! We are now sharing through Sarah, at Sarah's Craft Shed.
Only 1 week away from #800! Very exciting! Fall has landed in Canada, and the trees are just starting to change colour. Not so much right now, but the colours will get brilliant soon!
Here is my desk Tuesday morning. In this photo I am almost finished with a little book I made for Jasper, my 3 year old Granddaughter.
And here is the book, completed!
It has all of the cats that my hubby and I have had in the last 40 years!
The Back: this brilliant idea came from Naomi Tipping!
Sleeping cats
Awake cats
This was definitely a work of joy, remembering all our cats from the past, and sharing them with Jasper. Her mother will remember many of them, I but not all! I think I will laminate the cats before I give it to her on Thursday just to make it last, and the cats will slide in and out easily!
Here is Jasper on her first day of Montessori, in her third year! She's growing so fast!
Well, that's it for me, have a wonderful week, Mittsy and Inky say "meow" to all their cousins across the pond!